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George H.W. Bush


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  • BLITZER: And they're about to commission a U.S. aircraft carrier with the name George H.W. Bush which is a great, great honor.

    CNN Transcript Jan 5, 2009 2009

  • That was the derisive term George H.W. Bush used for ncrease defense spending, cut taxes and balance the budget

    Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz 2008

  • I wonder how many 18-year-olds can name George H.W. Bush's veep, let alone have any idea that the unfortunate fellow was once subjected to withering abuse for a bit of stumbling confusion while presiding at a spelling bee?

    'Mindset Lists' and a Mythical Generation Gap 2010

  • According to an informed source, the White House began calling George H.W. Bush's national-security adviser, Brent Scowcroft, and his secretary of State, James A. Baker.

    A Crash In The Clouds 2007

  • Interestingly, the Republican establishment wanted him to name George H.W. Bush as his VP instead of Nelson Rockafeller.

    Gerald Ford « Whatever 2006

  • Now he is known as George H.W. Bush - if he wasn't born again he surely was named again.

    Gerald Ford, 93 2006

  • The George H.W. Bush is the latest in the Nimitz line of aircraft carriers.

    CNN Transcript Oct 7, 2006 2006

  • Amid much fanfare, the navy's newest aircraft carrier, the "George H.W. Bush" was commissioned this morning in Norfolk, Virginia.

    CNN Transcript Jan 10, 2009 2009

  • While campaigning to become the democratic candidate for president, Obama said that he would return the country to the more traditional foreign policy efforts of past presidents, such as George H.W. Bush, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and Ronald Regan.

    James Sanders: Obama And JFK Have Much More In Common Than Hope 2008

  • On March 28, 2008 at a town hall event in Pennsylvania, Mr. Change said he would return the country to the more traditional foreign policy efforts of past presidents, such as George H.W. Bush, John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan.

    Obama's Role Models: Bush I, Reagan & Kennedy - This is Change? 2008


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